Friday 13 December 2013

New i-Size system from Maxi Cosi - 2wayFix and 2wayPearl

At last it is here! We now have the 2wayFix on display in our showroom. The new i-Size solution from Maxi Cosi - the 2wayFix base and the new rear facing 2wayPearl.

The new 2wayFix is the latest isofix base from Maxi Cosi which is i-Size compatible (see our website for more information on i-Size). It will take the Maxi Cosi Cabriofix and Pebble infant carriers just like the other three bases in the Maxi Cosi range however it now takes the 2wayPearl which meets the new i-Size regulations.

The great news is that you can rear face until 4 years with the 2wayPearl which means you can keep your child 5 times safer than if you had purchased a forward facing car seat. You can if you wish forward face your child from 15 months in the 2wayPearl.

Come into our showroom to see the great new features and try in your car.